Welcome to Moreton Bay College

For more than 120 years, Moreton Bay College has encouraged girls to be the best they can be. Our supportive learning environment inspires inquiring minds, integrity, initiative and genuine care.

Welcome from our Principal

Welcome from our Principal

Mrs Janet Stewart

May I warmly welcome you to Moreton Bay College, an independent, Early Years to Year 12 girls’ school in the Brisbane bayside suburb of Manly West.

Welcome from the Principal

Wellbeing for Learning

At The Moreton Bay Colleges, student wellbeing takes centre stage in our educational ethos. Guided by the profound importance of upholding schools as nurturing and inclusive environments, our vision is to create a haven within our campuses where every individual feels secure, cherished, and empowered to thrive.

Join The Virtual Tour

Join The Virtual Tour

View our amazing 360 Virtual Tour! Fly through our expansive campus and visit our classrooms, science labs, music centre, sporting facilities and more!

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At Moreton Bay College, we encourage girls to be the best they can be. With a rich heritage, exceptional teachers, state-of-the-art facilities, an integrated pastoral care programme and extensive co-curricular opportunities your daughter will have an outstanding student experience.

Enrol at MBC