Mrs Susan Pavish Receives OAM

The College is thrilled to announce that Mrs. Susan Pavish, our dedicated and passionate Director of Sport, has been honoured with an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) for her exceptional service to Physical Education.

The College is thrilled to announce that Mrs. Susan Pavish, our dedicated and passionate Director of Sport, has been honoured with an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) for her exceptional service to Physical Education. Since joining MBC in 1992, Sue has made a transformative impact, elevating our sports programs to new heights and fostering a culture of sporting excellence.

Under her leadership, MBC has claimed numerous premierships, state, national, and international titles, becoming a beacon of sporting prowess at all levels. Her holistic approach to nurturing the whole athlete is renowned; Sue has always emphasised the importance of the personal, social, and emotional development of athletes alongside their growth in their chosen sporting discipline.

In particular, Sue’s contributions have significantly impacted Hockey and Athletics, and in the latter discipline, Sue has led our girls to secure the QGSSSA Athletics trophy for eight consecutive years. However, Sue’s dedication extends to all 23 sports on offer at MBC, helping every student find a sport they love.

A former Olympic sprinter, Sue represented New Zealand at the Montreal Olympic Games in 1976 which attests to her personal dedication to athletic excellence. Within the Andrew's Cup Association and the QGSSSA, Sue Pavish is held in the highest regard. To reflect her outstanding contributions, two trophies have been named in her honour, a testament to the respect and admiration she commands within these esteemed sporting associations. Moreover, her personal record in the 100m sprint at QGSSSA continues to stand unbroken. Always humble, Sue‘s inspiration resonates throughout our community.

Sue’s unwavering commitment has also led MBC to become the first school in Australia to receive international accreditation from the World Academy of Sport. Her efforts in developing an unparalleled Athlete Development Programme enables students to gain the support they need to balance academic and sporting achievements, and the program has already seen students achieve scholarships to American universities.

We congratulate Sue on this wonderful recognition and invite our community to join us in celebrating her very well-deserved OAM; it is a wonderful reflection of her 32 years of dedication to MBC and the indelible mark she has left on our community and the world of sports education. The link to the King’s Honours list is here.